Company accounts user and admin guide
Company accounts are a way of collaborating with colleagues without the need to swap rights between users.
Important note |
Only the InfoSum support team can create new users on the platform. Clients wishing to add or remove a user will need to fill in this form if they are being onboarded to the platform for the first time or contact their InfoSum representative to create additional users. Additionally, only the InfoSum support team can do the following tasks:
Table of Contents
Company accounts overview and key concepts
Guide for company administrators
Administering company settings
Administering roles and rights
Administering teams and datasets
Company accounts overview and key concepts
Company accounts allow datasets created by anyone in a company to be owned by that company and shared with its users. A company account can restrict the actions users can perform on a company’s datasets and make this configurable by its users. Once you specify the email domain for your users, InfoSum automatically adds any users with that domain to your company. Every company has at least one company owner who administers the company. A company can have multiple owners.
Datasets are assigned to teams, but users have no rights to use datasets until they are given the appropriate rights and added to the relevant teams. Rights and users are assigned to a role.
Every company is given a base role called "Owner" that inherits all rights and a base team called “All Users” that contains every user in the company. “Owner” and “All Users” cannot be modified or deleted. Users added to a company have no rights to configure users or access datasets until given them by another user with the appropriate rights.
The number of teams and users you can create is based on your InfoSum plan. This is because not all InfoSum Platform features come as standard - please contact for details.
On InfoSum Platform, a company is a collection of users that all work for the same legal business entity. Companies are a way of collaborating with colleagues without the need for swapping rights between different users.
Membership of a company is defined by the user’s email domain. For example, InfoSum has the domain assigned so any user who registers using that email domain is automatically added to the InfoSum company.
An Owner is a company employee who administers the company on InfoSum Platform. Every company is given a base role called “Owner” that automatically inherits all rights and cannot be modified or deleted. InfoSum assigns the “Owner” role to the employee who administers the company.
A company can have more than one owner. Company owners are given all rights. Company owners are not allowed to:
- Add or delete a company
- Add or delete domains
- Add or delete owners
- Turn on/off single sign-on
You will need to contact to perform the above tasks.
A user is any employee of a company with an account that uses the company's email domain. Initially, company users have no rights and any rights they have must be given to them by a company owner or another user with the appropriate rights. A company user with the Datasets-Assign datasets to teams right can give other users access to datasets.
A team is a collection of users within a company. A user can exist in multiple teams and datasets can be assigned to more than one team. Once a dataset is assigned to a team, the dataset becomes visible to all team members, who can then work with it, for example, by performing queries. A user can only see company datasets assigned to their teams.
Each company contains a base team called “All Users” that cannot be modified or deleted. “All Users” contains every user in the company. The “All Users” team is useful for assigning demo accounts to users.
A role is a named collection of rights. A user can be assigned multiple roles and the rights are additive. This means that your effective permissions are the sum of your role assignments. Roles are created by users in a company with the appropriate rights.
Note: Roles are defined at company level, not team level. Every company is given a base role called “Owner” that automatically inherits all rights and cannot be modified or deleted.
This is a user’s right to perform an action on behalf of your company. A user inherits rights from the roles they have been assigned. Rights cannot be assigned directly to a user.
A company user sees only those parts of InfoSum Platform to which they have been given rights, you can find more information about what each right means on this article. InfoSum typically defines the distinct roles outlined in the article above, which will be configured according to the details outlined in this form for each company account.
Guide for company users
All company users have view-only access to their company’s roles and settings in InfoSum Account. To go to InfoSum Account, first navigate to your account settings from the menu on the top right of the Platform.
Here you can view roles and settings for your company.
The rights you have on the Platform are based on the roles and teams you have been assigned by your company administrator. For details of all rights that you can be assigned as a company user, see rights.
Using datasets
To use datasets, you must be a member of a team that has been assigned the dataset and has the appropriate rights to access it. If you need access to a dataset, you will need to request this from your company administrator.
You can use company accounts to allow other users in your company to access your datasets, but you will need to create a permission to allow users outside your company to query your datasets.
Note: If you have access to various datasets in different teams, you cannot connect datasets across teams. The Connections List only shows connections for datasets that are in the same team. The Filter By menu on the top left lets you filter datasets by team.
Assigning datasets to teams
If you have been given the appropriate right, you can assign your team’s datasets to another team. See assigning datasets to a team.
Sending permissions
If you send permissions for a dataset, all users with the rights to access that dataset will be able to see it, not only the user who was sent the permission. That permission will also be sent to more than one person in the company.
Guide for company administrators
A company owner or a user with the appropriate rights can manage company accounts on InfoSum Platform.
Note: If preferred, a company owner can request InfoSum Support to perform company accounts tasks on their behalf. However, only company owners can enforce two-factor authentication.
Getting started
Before you can administer your company’s accounts, your company needs to be set up on InfoSum Platform. To do this, submit your company details via this form. NB Only InfoSum Support can do the following tasks for your company:
- Add, amend or delete a company.
- Add and delete company domains.
- Turn on/off single sign-on.
Once your company is added to the Platform, you can start administering your company from My Company on InfoSum Account.
To go to InfoSum Account, first navigate to your account settings from the menu on the top right of the Platform.
Then use the menu on the left side to open the My Company page.
Here you can see the users, teams, roles and settings available for your company.
When your company is first set up, the “All Users" team has no roles associated with it, unless you specified it in this form. If you specified the roles in the onboarding form, InfoSum support will have already created them for you. The "Owner" role is associated with a user by adding the user to it. When a user with your company domain registers for an account with InfoSum Platform, they are added to your company with no roles assigned until this is done by a user with the appropriate rights or InfoSum support.
Tip: If a user is unable to access a part of the Platform, this is usually because they are not in the correct team.
Administering company settings
As a company owner you can:
- Enforce two-factor authentication (2FA).
- View company domains.
Enforcing two-factor authentication
You can enforce two-factor authentication (2FA) for your company if you have the Companies-Update 2FA right.
On InfoSum Account, go to the Settings tab under My Company.
- Click Enforce 2FA for all users to enforce two-factor authentication for all company users.
Viewing company domains
On InfoSum Account, go to the Settings tab under My Company to view the domains for your company.
Any users who register with the domains shown will be added to your company. - Contact to add or delete a domain.
Administering roles and rights
Rights are added to roles and cannot be assigned directly to a user. First you will need to create a role, then add users and assign rights to the role. Users of the role then get the rights assigned to the role.
Note: If someone is sending permissions for a dataset, all users with the rights to access that dataset will be able to see it, not only the user who was sent the permission. That permission will also be sent to more than one person in the company.
Creating a role
On InfoSum Account, go to the Roles tab under My Company to see a list of roles for your company.
- Click Create New Role, type a role name and click Create. The new role appears in the list of roles.
Adding users to a role
You can assign a user to multiple roles.
- On InfoSum Account, go to the Roles tab under My Company.
Drop down the Action menu for a role and select View to display all users and rights for a role.
- Click Add Users To Role and specify users from the dialog box that opens.
- Click Add Users to add the selected users to the role.
Adding rights to a role
- On InfoSum Account, go to the Roles tab under My Company.
- Drop down the Action menu and select View to display all users for the role
Click on the Rights tab to display rights for the selected role.
- Click on a right to select it for the role. For an explanation of each right, see rights. All users in the role now have the rights you selected.
Viewing roles for a company
- On InfoSum Account, go to the Roles tab under My Company.
- Drop down the Action menu and select View to display under separate tabs all users and rights for the selected role.
Deleting a role
- On InfoSum Account, go to the Roles tab under My Company.
- Drop down the Action menu and select Delete.
- Confirm Delete to delete the selected role.
Note: You cannot delete the company “Owner” role.
Administering teams and datasets
Teams are used to assign datasets. Teams make datasets available to users, but do not give the user any rights to use the dataset. Roles are used to give rights to allocated datasets.
Notes on administering datasets:
- The Datasets-Assign datasets to teams right does not give you access to a dataset, it only lets you assign it to a team. To access a dataset, you must be added to a team with access rights to the dataset.
- Users cannot combine datasets across teams - this allows a company owner to manage multiple streams of work using multiple teams.
- If a user has access to various datasets in different teams, they cannot connect datasets across teams. For example, they cannot query datasets assigned to different teams or connect them in the Connections List.
- You can use company accounts to allow other users in your company to access your datasets, but you will need to create a permission to allow users outside your company to query your datasets.
- A user can create permissions for any datasets that they can list. This will be for datasets assigned to their teams only unless they have the Datasets-List company datasets outside the user's teams right, in which case they can create permissions for any dataset in the company.
Creating teams for your company
- On InfoSum Account, go to the Teams tab under My Company.
Drop down the Action menu and select Teams to open a list of teams for your company.
- Click Create New Team, type a team name and click Create. The new team appears in the list of teams.
Assigning datasets to teams
Before you begin:
- You will need the Dataset-Assign datasets to teams right in order to assign datasets to a team.
- You will need the Datasets-List company datasets outside the user's teams right to see all datasets for your company. Without this right, you can only see datasets that are assigned to your teams.
Good to know:
On InfoSum Platform, the Datasets page under Data has the following tabs if you have the Datasets-List company datasets outside the user's teams right (otherwise, it shows only your team's datasets and no tabs):
- Team Datasets tab, which shows all datasets that have been assigned to your teams, and
- All Datasets tab, which shows all company datasets for all teams.
To see who within your company created a dataset, go to the Created section in the dataset's Details tab.
- On InfoSum Platform, select Datasets under Data and then select the All Datasets tab.
- Select the dataset you want to make available to teams.
You can assign datasets to teams in a number of ways:
Drop down the Action menu and select Assign To Team.
Select the Team Access tab and click ASSIGN TO TEAM.
- Select multiple datasets and select Assign to team from the Bulk actions menu.
Drop down the Action menu and select Assign To Team.
Select the team(s) from the list and click Update Teams.
The dataset is now available to the selected teams, but the teams will need to be assigned the relevant users, roles and rights in order for users to access it.
Note: Assigning a team to a dataset makes all team rights available to users in the team.
Adding users to a team
- On InfoSum Account, go to the Teams tab under My Company.
Drop down the Action menu and select View to display all users in a team.
- Click Add Users To Team and specify users from the dialog box that opens.
- Click Add Users to add the selected users to the team.
Viewing users for a team
- On InfoSum Account, go to the Teams tab under My Company.
Drop down the Action menu and select View to display all users in a team.
Deleting a team
- On InfoSum Account, go to the Teams tab under My Company.
- Drop down the Action menu and select Delete.
- Click Delete to confirm you want to delete the selected team.
Administering user accounts
There are a number of options to administer a company’s user accounts.
Invalidating two-factor authentication
- On InfoSum Account, go to the Users tab under My Company.
Drop down the Action menu and select Invalidate 2FA for the selected user.
- Click Invalidate to confirm you want to disable a user’s two-factor authentication (2FA). The user's 2FA status is updated to show an exclamation mark.
Sending a password reset email to a user
- On InfoSum Account, go to the Users tab under My Company.
Drop down the Action menu and select Reset Password for the selected user.
- Click Yes to send a password reset email to the user.
Disabling/enabling a user account
- On InfoSum Account, go to the Users tab under My Company.
Drop down the Action menu and select Disable for the selected user.
- Click Yes to confirm you want to disable the user’s account. The user will no longer be able to access the Platform, but can still receive communications. The user will be shown as not enabled in the list of users.
To enable a disabled user, drop down the Action menu and select Enable for the disabled user.