Managing Bunkers and Datasets
You can use the Platform UI to create new Bunkers or update meta-data and the Bunker expiry for a dataset.
What is a Bunker vs Dataset?
A Bunker is the secure storage allocated to a single dataset. In the platform, you will see each Bunker referred to as a Dataset as they represent a single dataset.
When you use the Platform to publish a new dataset, you'll be given a separate Bunker just for that data. You will be able to publish several datasets into different Bunkers and to refresh the data within each Bunker.
Each Bunker is hosted on its own private virtual server. Nobody except you can access the encrypted data in your Bunker (InfoSum's engineering team may aid with tech issues prior to a written consent agreement). You can give other users permission to query your dataset, but they will only be able to retrieve aggregated statistical results, never the original data.
There are two different Bunkers - Insight Bunker and Activation Bunker. You can read more about each type in this article.
Your collaborator(s) will also publish their data into their own private Bunkers. Although your collaborators give you permission to reference their data in anonymized, aggregate form, you have no access to the data in their Bunkers - and they have no access to yours.
Creating a Bunker
When you create a dataset, you tell the Platform that your data exists, and provide a few key details about how it will be used. Data import into your Bunker happens via your Cloud Vault, so you will need to follow the instructions on that page to import data into your Bunker. Bunkers must be in the same geographic region as the Cloud Vault where normalised files are located. Data cannot transfer across geographic regions.
You can create a dataset as part of the Publishing process, but you can also create it at any point (if your plan allows it) using the New Dataset button on the Dashboard:
the Datasets tab:
or use the plus sign shortcut in the top right which appears on every page throughout the Platform:
Here you can select the type of dataset you want.
- An insight dataset can include identifiers and attribute data, and can only be used to create anonymized statistics.
- An activation dataset can only include identifiers and can be used to output a list. To publish data into this Bunker, you will need to select output keys during the normalization stage.
Bunkers must be in the same geographic region as the Cloud Vault where normalized files are located. Data cannot transfer across geographic regions.
You'll be asked to supply three details.
- The Private ID is the name you'll use to reference this dataset in queries. A short name, like customerDB, is perfect. Because you'll use it in code, this ID must contain only alphanumeric characters with no spaces.
- The Public Name is a brief title for your dataset, which you'll use to identify it in the Platform UI. Something like Active customer accounts is ideal. If you give other users permission to reference the dataset, they'll also be able to see this public name (but not the private ID).
- The optional Public Description is simply a human-readable explanation of what the dataset is for. Again, if you give other users permission to reference the dataset, they'll be able to read this description.
Once you've filled in these details and clicked Create your dataset is created immediately. You'll see it listed on the Datasets tab.
Managing Bunkers across teams
Teams can be used to help tidy your Bunkers up between co-workers or even prevent specific users from accessing a Bunker you don’t want them to use. By associating a Bunker to a Team, only users who are part of that Team can see and use the Bunker for collaborating. Team membership can be managed in Account Settings.
You must be the company admin to edit Team memberships.
Updating Bunker Details
Note: Only users with the "update dataset metadata" right can change dataset details.
To change details for a dataset:
Log into your InfoSum Platform and select the Datasets tab under Data.
Next, select the dataset you want to update and the Details tab will appear at the bottom of the page
You can edit the following fields in the Details tab :
- Private ID, which is used to reference the dataset in queries
- Public Name, which is visible to other users if you send a permission
- Public Description, which is a free-text explanation of what the dataset is for.
- Project (if required), which is a user scoped label associated with a number of datasets.
- Dataset Expiry, which allows you to configure the dataset to expire after a fixed date. Your dataset and corresponding Bunker will be deleted permanently on the date you set. If you do not wish your dataset to expire then tick the Do not expire box
Click Update to save your changes. Your dataset is now updated with the new details.
Bunker software updates
When InfoSum releases software updates, these aren’t applied by default to existing Bunkers, meaning that users can have data published across Bunkers that are in different versions of the platform. This shouldn’t cause any compatibility issues when querying between Bunkers using different versions, and when you refresh your published assets or publish new data, the Bunkers will be automatically updated.
On very rare occasions, it might be necessary for InfoSum to make an upgrade containing key security or stability changes that are mandatory. This will require all clients to republish their data into upgraded Bunkers as soon as possible. Republishing will automatically replace any Bunker with the up to date version.
If this is required, you will receive an email from InfoSum’s support team or your customer success representative requesting that you republish your data at the first opportunity.