Protecting personal data
Use these key steps to protect personal data on InfoSum Platform.
InfoSum Platform protects personal data in a number of ways (such as by privacy controls). In addition to this protection, there are measures you can take as an InfoSum user to protect personal data. This article describes the following rules, including the steps you can take to protect your data:
Never publish personal data as attribute data
This can happen when the Platform treats key information as category information. When importing a data file, some keys are automatically mapped to the Global Schema. These automatically mapped keys are never classified as attributes. However, when creating a custom category, the user needs to explicitly tell the system that the column data is a key or it will be classified as an attribute. Failure to do this can result in personal data being published to a dataset.
You can ensure that key information is not classified as an attribute when importing a data file in two ways:
In the Import Wizard, always select the Key toggle when selecting a key as a column.
Alternately, ensure the Is Key? toggle is selected for any custom categories assigned to keys at normalization.
Never publish personal data as meta-data
This can happen when the Platform unintentionally treats personal data as header data. It can result in personal data being published to a dataset or saved to a configuration file.
You can ensure that personal data is not classified as meta-data when importing a data file as follows:
When you import a data file, the Includes header row toggle is always selected as the Bunker assumes the first row is a header row.
If the data file does not contain a header row, you will need to deselect the Includes header row toggle.
If you don't deselect the Includes header row toggle when ingesting a data file without a header row, the Bunker returns the “Import failed” message.
To update the preview settings, click Reconfigure and de-select the Includes header row toggle. To restart the upload process, click Restart. If you click Continue, you will be taken to a warning page and no data will be ingested.
As an extra precaution, when reviewing the normalization of the data file we recommend you always double-check the column headers to ensure they are sensible.