Activation dataset
An activation dataset can be used to output a list of identifiers.
Use an activation dataset when you want to be able to use a query to select specific individuals, for example so that you can contact them or target them with a particular advertisement.
When you create an activation dataset, a Bunker will also be created, where you can securely import, normalize and publish your data. Like all Bunkers, activation Bunkers are secure and private, and your original imported data is accessible only to you. However, using your Bunker's web UI, you can configure specific columns in your original data as output columns. Those columns (and only those columns) can then be returned by activation queries.
The only categories allowed in activation datasets are those used to generate keys. If you want to do more wide-ranging statistical analysis of data, use an insight dataset instead.
Because output columns may identify individuals, it is important to consider legal and regulatory requirements whenever you use an activation dataset. You should be particularly careful if you grant another user a permission to reference an activation dataset, because they will also be able to run an activation query and potentially identify individuals.
You may be asked to choose either an activation or insight dataset. If you don't see the option to select an activation dataset, then you need to contact InfoSum to request access to this feature.