Listing your Dataset in Discovery
You can list your dataset on Discovery to make it available to other parties looking for publisher or enrichment data.
To make your dataset available for advertisers and other data owners to compare and contrast their own first-party data, you can list your dataset within Discovery.
Select the New Listing option. Either in the dashboard Create and Connect section or use the Blue plus button on the top right of the InfoSum Platform interface.
Next, select your dataset you wish to use for Discovery from the drop-down list. We recommend an Insight dataset (Please contact your InfoSum rep if you have any questions around this).
Give your Listing a name that best describes your dataset, e.g. publisher sports audiences.
Add a listing description, try to be as detailed as possible to market your dataset effectively.
Add what industry best suits your business, e.g. Publisher, Data enrichment. The listing preview to the right of the fields automatically updates with your details.
Select where you wish your dataset to be listed, dependent on who your target audience is.
Note: You can only list one dataset at a time, if you wish to be listed as both a Publisher and an Enrichment partner, please contact your InfoSum Rep.
Listing a Publisher dataset
Select the Publisher option.
Enter your Company name and a brief description of what your company does.
Along with a Sales Contact name and email, this is for inbound inquiries and doesn't necessarily need to be Dataset owner.
Finally click Create Listing. Your listing now appears in the MyListings tab under Discover, where you can view and update details of your listing and review requests from other data owners to use the data.
By default, other parties cannot view intersection data for publisher datasets. If a party wants to see the intersection of their dataset with your data, they will need to request access from you.
To remove a listing, select Remove from the Action button.
Listing an Enrichment dataset
Select the Enrichment option.
Enter your Company name and a brief description of what your company does.
Along with a Sales Contact name and email, this is for inbound inquiries and doesn't necessarily need to be Dataset owner.
Select Full Listing or Limited Listing to define how much information another user can see on how your enrichment data intersects.
Finally click Create Listing.
To remove a listing, select Remove from the Action button.
Next steps
You can grant access to your dataset's intersection to the party who has requested it.