How to push results to an Amazon S3 bucket
This functionality will soon be removed and replaced by our new activation tool Destinations. To activate to an S3 Bucket you can use:
To do so, you will need to create a connection between the InfoSum Platform and your Amazon S3 bucket. Click here for the steps to configure your Amazon S3 account. If you need to give permissions to another user, please follow the steps in how to create an activation dataset permission.
You can activate results to a file using either Segment Builder or the Query Tool. Go to the Activation tab under Activate, where you will see some information about the campaign and its status. The total rows give you an insight into the size of the file, before pushing it to the destination.
At the bottom of the page, you will see a box providing more details on the campaign, such as the query used and the name of the output column. There are three menu tabs within this box - Details, Export Configuration and Export History. Once you've pushed the results, the details and status will be viewable under the Export History tab.
For now, switch to Export Configuration and use the slider to enable S3. The form below will now appear.
The above form contains the following fields:
- Principal: Infosum generated ARN. You need to enable the ARN in this field to recognise the User Role that is supplied in step 3 below. To do this, go to your AWS account and replace the text in the Trust Policy with the InfoSum trust relationship policy as described in configuring AWS IAM for the InfoSum S3 cross-account data connector.
- External ID: InfoSum generated ID per user email domain. You should use this external ID, along with the Principal for an extra validation when allowing the assumption of their push role
- Push Role ARN: You need to create a role that has a Permissions Policy that allows writing to their S3 bucket. The expected format of the ARN entered here is:
- Session Name: User defined session
- AWS Region: Region of your bucket
- Bucket Name: Specify the bucket name (no leading s3 identifier, i.e. "bucket-name" not "s3://bucket-name")
- Destination Path: Path within the bucket
- Prefix: Optionally add extra path in this box [SubFolder/NextFolder/]
- Destination Filename: User defined Filename (include the file extension - e.g. pushfile.csv)
Here is the detailed flow…
- InfoSum uses the intermediate role identified in the Principal field. Prior to assuming the customer role specified in the Role ARN field
- Customer need to allow the Principal appended with the session name defined in the Session Name field and External ID to assume your Push role to push
- InfoSum will push the file to the customer's S3 bucket
When you have completed all the required fields, click Save. When you select Save, the Activate button will become clickable. Selecting this button will begin the file stream.
Switch to the Export History tab to see the status and check for any errors. Once the status has a green tick, the file has been successfully pushed to the S3 bucket.
If you are experiencing slower than expected import/export speeds and you're using a VPN or firewall that can block data upload or download, please refer to Add IP addresses to an Allowlist.