How to create an insight dataset permission
When you give another user permission to reference your insight dataset, they can write queries which analyze your data.
Typically (but not necessarily), they will connect it with their own datasets, generating statistics that draw from the combination of your data and theirs.
Even when you give another user permission to reference your insight dataset, they cannot see your raw data. They can reference it only in statistical queries, which return aggregated results that cannot be traced back to individuals.
Giving another user permission to reference your insight dataset
To allow another user to reference your insight dataset, you need to use the Platform to set up permission. If you are in a company and do not have rights to create a permission, you will need to ask someone who has the rights to set up the permission.
Before you can set up permission for an insight dataset, you must already have created that dataset. For more details of this process, see publishing a dataset.
You can set up permission for an insight dataset even if you haven't yet imported or published any data. The other user will not be able to reference your data until you have published it.
To give another user permission to reference an insight dataset:
- Log on to Platform, if you haven't already.
- Switch to the Permissions Sent tab and select the New Permission button.
- Enter the email address of the person you want to give permission to. If they are already registered for InfoSum Platform, it's worth asking them which email address they used, so that the permission you're creating can be associated with their existing account. Once you've created the permission, the email address will be saved for easy re-use and can be deleted by clicking on the Edit Saved Addresses button.
- Identify the insight dataset or datasets you want to give permission for, using the Public Name (datasets can only be insight or activation, not both). Click "Next".
- By default, you will share all existing and future categories.
- If you want to restrict the permissions to specific categories, disable the default button, and select the required categories for each dataset. Use the Filter field to refine the categories that appear and tick the Category heading to select or deselect all categories. Your selection is shown on the right. Click Continue With My Selection.
- The permissions setting table shown below will then appear, where you can define how the recipient can use your insight dataset. The most restrictive settings are selected by default. Please see the permissions overview article for information on your options.
Once you click Create, you can view the new permission by switching to the Permissions Sent tab.
The status icon tells you that the other user still needs to accept your permission.
If you gave the other user permission to access more than one insight dataset, you'll see that those datasets are listed separately on the Permissions Sent tab. From now on, these are treated as separate permissions, which you will manage individually.
After you've created the permission, you can edit these settings at any time by clicking Edit button.