Insight and Activation Bunkers
Insights and Activation Bunkers
How to publish data to an Insight Bunker
How to publish data to an Activation Bunker
What are Bunkers?
A Bunker is the secure storage allocated to a single dataset. In the platform, you will see each Bunker referred to as a Dataset as they represent a single dataset.
When you use the Platform to publish a new dataset, you'll be given a separate Bunker just for that data. You will be able to publish several datasets into different Bunkers and to refresh the data within each Bunker.
Each Bunker is hosted on its own private virtual server. Nobody except you can access the encrypted data in your Bunker (InfoSum's engineering team may aid with tech issues prior to written consent agreement). You can give other users permission to query your dataset, but they will only be able to retrieve aggregated statistical results, never the original data.
Insight and Activation Bunkers
InfoSum's data clean room increases security by separating collaboration in-platform from activation to external locations using separate Insight and Activation Bunkers.
Insight Bunkers
Every dataset intended to be used for analysis is uploaded to a secure and isolated cloud instance known as an Insight Bunker. During the normalization process, IDs are marked as keys and (optionally) mapped to InfoSum’s global schema, going through an encryption process that renders PII pseudonymous, and all raw PII is removed. Attributes remain in plain text to be used for analysis. The data stored within an Insight Bunker never moves for analysis or activation.
Insight Bunkers contain:
- Keys for collaboration (irreversibly encrypted)
- (Optional) Attributes for analysis (plain text)
Activation Bunkers
Activation Bunkers are used to export data out of the platform and they are secure, private, and only editable by their owner. To publish data to an Activation Bunker, at least one column containing identifiers has to be flagged as Output column during normalization and remain plain text. These columns must contain a unique ID that can be used to activate against.
Activation Bunkers contain:
- Activation keys for exporting (plain text)
- (Optional) Keys for collaboration (if different than output keys)
Which Bunkers do you need?
You only need an Activation Bunker if you are activating your own data as part of the collaboration.
In this case, you should publish the same collaboration IDs to both your Insight and Activation Bunker, and any additional Activation IDs to your Activation Bunker, ensuring the Activation IDs are marked as Output columns during normalization for your Activation Bunker.
If your partner is the party activating the result of the collaboration, they will have to provide an Activation Bunker instead that contains the Activation IDs.
How to Publish data to an Insight Bunker
The first step should be to understand what your use case is and what data you will need in your Bunker. Insight Bunkers contain keys for collaboration and can also contain attributes for analysis.
Normalize an Insight Dataset
- Mark all IDs and PII as 'Keys' during the normalization process
- Map common IDs to the Global Schema to ensure standardization of data
- Select which attributes you'd like to publish
Publish an Insight Dataset
Insight datasets can only be published to Insight Bunkers. You can create a Bunker as part of your data onboarding or use an existing one. You will be able to see which Bunkers are available for your normalized dataset at the publishing stage.
How to Publish data to an Activation Bunker
If you are planning to export your own data as a result of a collaboration, you will need your own Activation Bunker. Activation Bunkers contain only keys.
To leverage your own activation destinations, like DV360, Meta, or your own CRM storage you will need to have the appropriate Activation IDs published to an Activation Bunker.
Normalize an Activation Dataset
- Mark all IDs and PII as 'Keys' during the normalization process
- If your collaboration and activation keys are different (e.g. you are matching on email but exporting an internal ID), you will need to include both keys in the Bunker
- Map Activation keys as Output IDs, so they can be kept in plain text
Publish an Activation Dataset
Activation datasets can only be published to Activation Bunkers. You can create a Bunker as part of your data onboarding or use an existing one. You will be able to see which Bunkers area available for your normalized dataset at the publishing stage. You will not be able to publish data to an Activation Bunker that does not contain any Output IDs.