Collaborating with Partners: Permissions, Audience Builder and Segment Builder
Please read the Onboarding your data article before this one.
Table of Contents:
Permission datasets to collaborate with your partners
Insights vs Activation Bunkers
Create your first match using Audience Builder
Segment or query audiences for insights
Permission Datasets to Collaborate with your Partners
Before sending or accepting permissions with your collaboration partner, it’s important to first get an overview of permissions.
Key permissions details:
- Partners can not grant access to your Bunker.
- Partners can not allow access to individual records or to your original data.
- You always remain in control of permissions for datasets you own - you can even instantly edit or revoke permissions at any time.
- If you give another user permission to reference a dataset, they can't extend that permission to anyone outside their organization.
When you create a permission, you define how another party can use your dataset. You will be presented with a series of decisions, mainly, which attributes in your dataset can be queried, and how your collaboration partner can use them. There’s a broad spectrum of permissions settings, from only allowing to query the intersection of your datasets, to more open permissions such as the ability to export data, among many other examples.
Either you would take these steps to send a permission to your collaboration partner, your partner would take these steps to send a permission to you, or both. The recipient of a permission, once accepted, will then be able to query, and potentially activate depending on the permissions that were given.
Accepting Permissions
Another company can give you permission to use their datasets within the platform. To do so, they will need your InfoSum registered email address. You can find and accept incoming permissions in the Dashboard and in the Collaborate > Permissions Received page.
Insights vs Activation Bunkers
Permissions for Insight and Activation Bunkers are independent and you don’t need to grant both to collaborate.
Permissioning an Insight Bunker
You will grant permission or receive permissions for an Insight Bunker to connect data and generate insights in the platform. Permissions for Insight Bunkers also control if the Audiences and Segments created by the connection between two or more Insight Bunkers can be used to create an export.
Permissioning an Activation Bunker
You will send or receive permissions to an Activation Bunker when the party creating the export/activation is not the party that owns the Activation Bunker used to push the data out. For example, an agency will need permission to use a brand’s Activation Bunker if they want to push data back to the brand’s CRM or to off-Bunker destinations like Meta or Google.
Permissions Examples
Please note: |
Usually, only one party in the collaboration manages the hands on clean room operations:•Often the publisher if working on media planning•Often the brand/agency if working on segmentation/enrichment with a data provider |
Brand working with a partner for activation
If the partner is a publisher - usually the brand permissions the dataset to them, they will create segments and activate them to their CDP for media activation.
If the partner is a data provider - usually the brand receives permissions from the data provider to create an enrichment exercise and export the brand’s newly segmented data (to their CRM/data storage or third-parties like Google) or the provider’s data (to third-parties) for media activation.
Brand working with a partner for insights
Insight exercises are usually run by the brand - so permissions must flow in that direction. The brand receives permissions from its partners to generate insights in the platform.
Brand and agency working with a partner for insights & activation
When agencies manage the clean room operations on behalf of the brand, they must receive permissions from the brand to leverage their datasets as agencies are not usually the data owners. They will also receive permissions from other partners to operate on behalf of the brand.
The brand will also have to send permissions to any other company if they are the party running the analysis (e.g. publishers).
Level of Complexity |
Low |
Estimated timing |
<5 minutes |
Role(s) involved |
Both technical and non-technical users - Please ensure that your account admin has allocated the rights to perform this task |
Other Relevant Article(s) |
Demo Datasets
InfoSum offers demo datasets at no cost for you to learn to use the Audience Builder. Not all features are available, but these datasets will allow you to collaborate, segment audiences, and perform queries.
To access the demo datasets just click on the ‘Demo’ button at the top right of the Datasets page.
Create your First Match Using the Audience Builder
After you have created a bunker or accepted permissions to your collaboration partner’s bunker, you are now ready to use the Audience Builder, which is a drag and drop tool that allows you to easily connect multiple datasets together.
On the left hand side of the screen, you will see the datasets available to you/your team (Data Sources), and when you click on one, you will see some information about the contents of the dataset, including available keys and attributes (Dataset Statistics).
Then you can simply drag and drop your chosen datasets into the main box (shown in blue above) and click Calculate. The platform will instantly show the volume of the intersection.
To continue generating insights or activation segments you will need to give your audience a name and save it.
Please note that until you hit Calculate, the platform will show a warning:
Using a ‘Link with’ Dataset
[Optional] If you and your collaboration partner want to collaborate datasets but don’t have a common identifier type like email or want to extend match rates, you can add another insight bunker to the Link With section of Audience Builder. Here you can use an insight bunker containing 2 or more identifier types to match when two bunkers do not share a common identifier type or have a low match rate or overlap using an Identity Bridge partner. For example, if your dataset contains only email and your partner’s contains only mobile advertising IDs, you do not share a common identifier type. By adding an insight bunker that contains a dataset from an Identity Bridge partner of emails and mobile advertising IDs to the Link With section, you can now match to your partner’s bunker. Identity Bridge partners can also be used when common keys do exist to leverage their identity graph to maximize or increase match rates between parties.
Don’t forget to press calculate to see the impact of a Link With dataset.
Level of Complexity |
Low |
Estimated timing |
<5 minutes |
Role(s) involved |
Both technical and non-technical users |
Other Relevant Article(s) |
Segment or Query Audiences for Insights
In the InfoSum Platform there are two core ways to further segment and refine your audience: the segment builder UI and the query tool.
The segment builder is a powerful tool that can be used by business and technical users, but we recommend using the Query Tool if you have more than 25 attribute categories or your need to need to use complex boolean logic.
Using Segment Builder
After your audience has been created, you can now refine your audience in Segment Builder. This is the section of the platform designed to define your segments before activating, or query using the attributes within an audience.
Within Segment Builder, you can create some basic visualizations based on the list of attributes available and filter your segment using attributes and their values (on the left hand side) to see the number of matched records based on the filters used.
Please note that filters in the Segment Builder are only using AND logic. To create segments that use other types of Boolean logic you will need to use our Query Tool (next section).
Using the Query Tool and IQL
To create segments with more complex logic, for example using nested operators, we recommend using InfoSum’s Query Language (“IQL”) in the Query Tool section of the platform. Loosely based on SQL, IQL enables you to perform the same actions as Audience Builder and Segment Builder, just using a command line instead of a drag-and-drop UI.
Here are some sample IQL queries.
Please contact your InfoSum representative if you wish to use the query tool as they will be able to advise and guide your queries.
Level of Complexity |
Mid |
Estimated timing |
0.5-2h depending on your insights needs |
Role(s) involved |
Both technical and non-technical users |
Other Relevant Article(s) |
Read Next
This is the last of our core introductions to the platform. The following articles are use case based and can help you understand how to use the above tools and more advanced tools and approaches to: